Data Description

Crime Incident Report

This file contains information on each incident report from August 14, 2014 to the present. Columns include:


In order to conduct some of the analyses in this project, the Incident column was recasted to have five categories instead of twelve. This change took a significant amount of time to occur when running the code. As a result, I have placed this updated CSV file in a repository on GitHub in order to save time running the code.

To download this CSV file, use the following code snippet: (removed to preserve anonymity)

If you wish to see the original data file, use the following: "wget -O crimeincidentoriginal.csv s.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"

Traffic Stops

This file contains information on St. Paul traffic stops from 2001 to the present. Columns include:


To download this CSV file, use the following code snippet: "wget -O trafficstop.csv"

Vacant Buidings

This file contains information on the vacant buildings currently in St. Paul. Columns include:


To download this CSV file, use the following code snippet: "wget -O vacantbuildings.csv accessType=DOWNLOAD"

Pedestrian And Bike Crash Data

This file contains information about different types of crashes in St. Paul from 2016 to the present. These crashes are not included in the previous Crime Incident Report file. While thirty three columns exist in this file, many of them are mostly empty. Columns important to my analyses include:


To download this CSV file, use the following code snippet: "wget -O crash.csv =DOWNLOAD"

Parks Graffiti Report

This file contains information on graffiti incidences in St. Paul from 2013 to 2015. These incidences are included in the Crime Incident Report file. Columns include:


To download this CSV file, use the following code snippet: "wget -O graffiti.csv ws.csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"

Liquor Licenses

This file contains information on the liquor licenses currently issued within St. Paul. Columns include:


To download this CSV file, use the following code snippet: "wget -O liquor.csv .csv?accessType=DOWNLOAD"

Saint Paul Police Grid

This file contains a geopandas data set containing information on the location of each grid number within the St. Paul police grid. Columns include:


To download this CSV file, click here. Click on Export --> Shapefile.

District Council

This file contains a geopandas data set containing information on the location of each of the twelve districts that make up St. Paul. Columns include:


To download this CSV file, click here. Click on Export --> Shapefile.


This file contains a geopandas data set containing information on the location of each of St. Paul's bikepaths. Columns used in my analyses include:


To download this CSV file, click here. Click on Export --> Shapefile.