
Welcome to Intro to Big Data Systems! We'll deploy and use distributed systems to store and analyze large datasets. Unstructured and structured approaches to storage will be covered. Analysis will involve learning new query languages, processing streaming data, and training machine learning models. Systems covered include Docker, PyTorch, HDFS, Spark, Cassandra, Kafka, and more.

Revisions to Syllabus

Learning Objectives


We meet 3 times a week -- see the lecture schedule here.

I'll ask questions during lecture via TopHat. Though in-person attendance is not required, you can earn extra credit by answering these correctly. Answering TopHat questions remotely is not permitted.


We'll be learning about many different big data systems, and so no textbook closely corresponds to the lecture content. Thus, attending lectures and taking notes will be your primary resource.

We will have recommended (though optional) readings for many systems, however. We'll select from O'Reilly text books because you can read them free online via the Madison Public Library. You just need to do the following:

  1. get a library card (free)
  2. sign into the O'Reilly collection with your card number
  3. search for the assigned book

Here are some of the main texts we'll reference this semester:

Sometimes we may post lecture notes too.


We message the class regularly via Canvas announcements. We recommend updating your Canvas settings so that the "Announcement" option is "Notify immediately" so that you don't miss something important.

See the help page for details about how to contact us.

We have various forms for us to leave (optionally anonymous) feedback, report lab attendance, and thank TAs.

Course Components

Grading breakdown

Grade thresholds will be as follows:

There will be opportunities to earn a maximum of 4% extra credit (for TopHat, Instructor Endorsements on Piazza, etc).


These will be multiple choice and taken in person. Exams 1+2 will be during class, and exam 3 will be during finals week. All exams are cumulative.

If you must miss an exam (e.g., due to illness), the others will receive greater weight, without scaling. For example, if you only do exam 1 and 3, then those will each be worth 24% (assuming you were explicitly excused from exam 2 by the instructor). If you are excused from taking both exams 1+2, then exam 3 will be worth 48%. Exam 3 cannot be skipped (only rescheduled to a later date, if necessary).


There will be a short Canvas quiz due at the end of most Wednesdays. Make sure you know the rules regarding what is allowed and what is not.


See project policies here.

Academic Misconduct

Project Policies

Be sure to read and understand the full project collaboration policies here.

TopHat Policies

TopHat questions are intended for in-class participants. Students who submit any TopHat question remotely are not eligible for any extra credit for the course. We might notice this by passing around a sign-up sheet following a TopHat question.

Piazza Policies

Do not post project code snippets that are >5 lines long.

Exam Policies

Quiz Policies

NOT allowed

Recommendation Letters

Earning a recommendation letter is much harder than earning an A in this course. At a minimum, I'll want to see you doing something complex and interesting beyond the assingments. For a typical letter, I'll have collaborated with a student on some project for multiple months, with many iterations of feedback.

Most grad schools require recommenders to fill long forms rating students on various abilities (see an example below). Make sure that if you're asking me, I would be able to fill such a form without needing to put "I don't know" as my answer to many of the questions.