Note: this site is still up to serve as a reference for people who took the course in Fall of '18. If you're currently enrolled, please head to the site for the current semester.
Learning programming for the first time often involves asking questions in person, so we're prioritizing creating lots of office hours every week. Times and locations will vary week to week, but you can find the latest schedule on this Piazza post. There should be about 60 hours of TA and instructor office hours in a given week, so please use them! Here are some tips for making the most of office hours:
- Bring your laptop so you can show us your code
- Tell us what you thought your code should do, and explain how it's different than what it is doing
- Debugging is an experimentation process, so please tell us a couple things you tried, and the results
- Expect us to ask you questions! More than just trying to help you solve a particular problem, we're trying to help you think like a programmer. So even if we see the answer, we might ask you questions (that you will eventually learn to ask yourself) to help you discover the solution on your own
Tyler Caraza-Harter
Instructor for lecture sections 001 and 002. Office: CS 7370.
Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj
Instructor for lecture sections 003. Office: CS 4384.