Note: this site is still up to serve as a reference for people who took the course in Fall of '18. If you're currently enrolled, please head to the site for the current semester.
Lecture Schedule
Part 1: Basic Programming
Week 1
Tue: (Sep 4)
No Class
Thu: Introduction + Terminal (Sep 6)
- Basics of computers (CPU, memory, disks)
- Main memory vs hard disk
- What is programming?
- Terminal basics
- Course overview
Link to Slides
Terminal basics
Week 2
Tue: How computers work? (Sep 11)
- Shell commands (pwd, ls, cd, etc.)
- Absolute vs relative path
- Pseudocode
- State
- Flow of execution
Shell Commands
Link to Worksheet
Due (Wed): Project 0 (ungraded)
Thu: Basics of Programming (Sep 13)
- Interpreter, editor, and IDE
- Running python
- Arithmetic operators
- Logical operators
- Values and types
- Boolean logic
- Interactive vs. script mode
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 1)
Week 3
Tue: Variables (Sep 18)
- Operator precedence
- Assignment operator
- Variables
- Naming variables
- Bugs (errors)
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 2)
Homework (not graded): Homework 1
Expressions (for practice):
Due (Wed): Project 1
Thu: Functions (Sep 20)
- Why functions?
- In-built functions (e.g., input())
- Math functions (e.g., factorial())
- Writing your own functions
- Parameters and arguments
- Return values
Notes on Functions
Link to Notes
Code Snippets:,,,,
Read: Think Python (Chapter 3)
Read: Creating Fruitful Functions
Week 4
Tue: More Functions (Sep 25)
- Control flow during a function call
- Scope of variables in a function
- Stack diagrams(Frames)
Link to Slides
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: More Functions
Read: Think Python (Chapter 3.6 - 3.12)
Due (Wed): Project 2
Thu: Conditionals and Iteration (Sep 27)
- Simple conditionals
- Chained conditionals
- Nested conditionals
- Loops
- While loop
Code Snippets: Conditionals & Loops
Link to Notes
Link to Slides
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Week 5
Tue: Advanced Conditionals and Loops (Oct 2)
- Multiple elifs
- Nested if-else
- More on while loop
- break statement
- continue statement
- Nested loops
Code Snippets: Advanced conditionals + Loops
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Due (Wed): Project 3
Thu: Strings (Oct 4)
- String basics
- Indexing
- len() function
- for loop
- String methods
- Searching
- Slicing
Code Snippets: Strings
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 8)
Part 2: Working with Data
Week 6
Tue: Lists (Oct 9)
- Strings Review
- Sequences
- Indexing and Slicing
- Mutable vs Immutable
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10)
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: Lists
Due (Wed): Project 4
Thu: Lists and CSV Files (Oct 11)
- List methods
- Split and Join
- CSV files
Lecture Notes: Lists and CSVs
Code Snippets: Lists+CSVs
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (Chapter 14 - upto but not including Writer Objects)
Week 7
Tue: Dictionaries (Oct 16)
- Syntax
- Key-Value pairs
- Lookup
- Insert
- When is a dictionary useful?
Lecture Notes: Dictionaries
Code Snippets: Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.1 - 11.3)
Due (Wed): Project 5
Thu: Advanced Dictionaries (Oct 18)
- Delete a Key-Value pair
- Nesting
- dicts with lists
- Dealing with JSON
Lecture Notes: Advanced Dictionaries
Lecture Slides: Table representation
Code Snippets: Advanced Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.5 and 11.7) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (from "JSON and APIs" until "Writing JSON with the dumps() Function" (included))
Week 8
Tue: JSON, Tuples, and Objects (Oct 23)
- Binning
- Deserialization
- Serialization
- Pretty Printing
- Tuples
- Intro to References
Lecture Notes: JSON & Tuples
Lecture Slides: JSON and Tuples
Code Snippets: JSON & Tuples
Read: Think Python Chapter 10 ("Objects and Values" and "Aliasing") and Ch 12
Due (Wed): Project 6
Thu: Objects, References, and Copying (Oct 25)
- Objects
- References
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Chapter 4 ("References" through the end)
Code Snippets: Objects, References, Copying
Lecture Notes: Objects, References, Copying
Week 9
Tue: Recursion (Oct 30)
- Base/Resursive Cases
- Lists of Lists
- More Stack Diagrams
- Stack Overflow
Code Snippets: Recursion
Lecture Notes: Recursion
Read: ThinkPython Ch 5 ("Recursion" through "Infinite Recursion"), Ch 6 ("More Recursion" through end)
Due (Wed): Project 7
Thu: Advanced functions (Nov 1)
- Iterators and generators
- References to functions
Read: Advanced Functions
Code Snippets: Adv funcs
Lecture Notes: Advanced Functions
Week 10
Tue: Exceptions and Files (Nov 6)
- Handling exceptions
- Reading and writing files
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Ch 10 (beginning through "Assertions") and ThinkPython Ch 14
Lecture Slides: Exceptions and Files
Lecture Notes: Exceptions and Files
Code Snippets: Exceptions and Files
Thu: Pandas (Nov 8)
- iPython notebooks
- series
- element-wise operations
Reading: CS 301 Notes
Lecture Notes: Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture19.html
Part 3: Data Science
Week 11
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture20.html
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Lecture Slides: Requests
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Week 12
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: (Sep 4)
No ClassThu: Introduction + Terminal (Sep 6)
- Basics of computers (CPU, memory, disks)
- Main memory vs hard disk
- What is programming?
- Terminal basics
- Course overview
Terminal basics
Tue: How computers work? (Sep 11)
- Shell commands (pwd, ls, cd, etc.)
- Absolute vs relative path
- Pseudocode
- State
- Flow of execution
Link to Worksheet
Due (Wed): Project 0 (ungraded)
Thu: Basics of Programming (Sep 13)
- Interpreter, editor, and IDE
- Running python
- Arithmetic operators
- Logical operators
- Values and types
- Boolean logic
- Interactive vs. script mode
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 1)
Week 3
Tue: Variables (Sep 18)
- Operator precedence
- Assignment operator
- Variables
- Naming variables
- Bugs (errors)
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 2)
Homework (not graded): Homework 1
Expressions (for practice):
Due (Wed): Project 1
Thu: Functions (Sep 20)
- Why functions?
- In-built functions (e.g., input())
- Math functions (e.g., factorial())
- Writing your own functions
- Parameters and arguments
- Return values
Notes on Functions
Link to Notes
Code Snippets:,,,,
Read: Think Python (Chapter 3)
Read: Creating Fruitful Functions
Week 4
Tue: More Functions (Sep 25)
- Control flow during a function call
- Scope of variables in a function
- Stack diagrams(Frames)
Link to Slides
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: More Functions
Read: Think Python (Chapter 3.6 - 3.12)
Due (Wed): Project 2
Thu: Conditionals and Iteration (Sep 27)
- Simple conditionals
- Chained conditionals
- Nested conditionals
- Loops
- While loop
Code Snippets: Conditionals & Loops
Link to Notes
Link to Slides
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Week 5
Tue: Advanced Conditionals and Loops (Oct 2)
- Multiple elifs
- Nested if-else
- More on while loop
- break statement
- continue statement
- Nested loops
Code Snippets: Advanced conditionals + Loops
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Due (Wed): Project 3
Thu: Strings (Oct 4)
- String basics
- Indexing
- len() function
- for loop
- String methods
- Searching
- Slicing
Code Snippets: Strings
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 8)
Part 2: Working with Data
Week 6
Tue: Lists (Oct 9)
- Strings Review
- Sequences
- Indexing and Slicing
- Mutable vs Immutable
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10)
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: Lists
Due (Wed): Project 4
Thu: Lists and CSV Files (Oct 11)
- List methods
- Split and Join
- CSV files
Lecture Notes: Lists and CSVs
Code Snippets: Lists+CSVs
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (Chapter 14 - upto but not including Writer Objects)
Week 7
Tue: Dictionaries (Oct 16)
- Syntax
- Key-Value pairs
- Lookup
- Insert
- When is a dictionary useful?
Lecture Notes: Dictionaries
Code Snippets: Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.1 - 11.3)
Due (Wed): Project 5
Thu: Advanced Dictionaries (Oct 18)
- Delete a Key-Value pair
- Nesting
- dicts with lists
- Dealing with JSON
Lecture Notes: Advanced Dictionaries
Lecture Slides: Table representation
Code Snippets: Advanced Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.5 and 11.7) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (from "JSON and APIs" until "Writing JSON with the dumps() Function" (included))
Week 8
Tue: JSON, Tuples, and Objects (Oct 23)
- Binning
- Deserialization
- Serialization
- Pretty Printing
- Tuples
- Intro to References
Lecture Notes: JSON & Tuples
Lecture Slides: JSON and Tuples
Code Snippets: JSON & Tuples
Read: Think Python Chapter 10 ("Objects and Values" and "Aliasing") and Ch 12
Due (Wed): Project 6
Thu: Objects, References, and Copying (Oct 25)
- Objects
- References
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Chapter 4 ("References" through the end)
Code Snippets: Objects, References, Copying
Lecture Notes: Objects, References, Copying
Week 9
Tue: Recursion (Oct 30)
- Base/Resursive Cases
- Lists of Lists
- More Stack Diagrams
- Stack Overflow
Code Snippets: Recursion
Lecture Notes: Recursion
Read: ThinkPython Ch 5 ("Recursion" through "Infinite Recursion"), Ch 6 ("More Recursion" through end)
Due (Wed): Project 7
Thu: Advanced functions (Nov 1)
- Iterators and generators
- References to functions
Read: Advanced Functions
Code Snippets: Adv funcs
Lecture Notes: Advanced Functions
Week 10
Tue: Exceptions and Files (Nov 6)
- Handling exceptions
- Reading and writing files
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Ch 10 (beginning through "Assertions") and ThinkPython Ch 14
Lecture Slides: Exceptions and Files
Lecture Notes: Exceptions and Files
Code Snippets: Exceptions and Files
Thu: Pandas (Nov 8)
- iPython notebooks
- series
- element-wise operations
Reading: CS 301 Notes
Lecture Notes: Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture19.html
Part 3: Data Science
Week 11
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture20.html
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Lecture Slides: Requests
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Week 12
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: Variables (Sep 18)
- Operator precedence
- Assignment operator
- Variables
- Naming variables
- Bugs (errors)
Read: Think Python (Chapter 2)
Homework (not graded): Homework 1
Expressions (for practice):
Due (Wed): Project 1
Thu: Functions (Sep 20)
- Why functions?
- In-built functions (e.g., input())
- Math functions (e.g., factorial())
- Writing your own functions
- Parameters and arguments
- Return values
Link to Notes
Code Snippets:,,,,
Read: Think Python (Chapter 3)
Read: Creating Fruitful Functions
Tue: More Functions (Sep 25)
- Control flow during a function call
- Scope of variables in a function
- Stack diagrams(Frames)
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: More Functions
Read: Think Python (Chapter 3.6 - 3.12)
Due (Wed): Project 2
Thu: Conditionals and Iteration (Sep 27)
- Simple conditionals
- Chained conditionals
- Nested conditionals
- Loops
- While loop
Link to Notes
Link to Slides
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Week 5
Tue: Advanced Conditionals and Loops (Oct 2)
- Multiple elifs
- Nested if-else
- More on while loop
- break statement
- continue statement
- Nested loops
Code Snippets: Advanced conditionals + Loops
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Due (Wed): Project 3
Thu: Strings (Oct 4)
- String basics
- Indexing
- len() function
- for loop
- String methods
- Searching
- Slicing
Code Snippets: Strings
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 8)
Part 2: Working with Data
Week 6
Tue: Lists (Oct 9)
- Strings Review
- Sequences
- Indexing and Slicing
- Mutable vs Immutable
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10)
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: Lists
Due (Wed): Project 4
Thu: Lists and CSV Files (Oct 11)
- List methods
- Split and Join
- CSV files
Lecture Notes: Lists and CSVs
Code Snippets: Lists+CSVs
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (Chapter 14 - upto but not including Writer Objects)
Week 7
Tue: Dictionaries (Oct 16)
- Syntax
- Key-Value pairs
- Lookup
- Insert
- When is a dictionary useful?
Lecture Notes: Dictionaries
Code Snippets: Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.1 - 11.3)
Due (Wed): Project 5
Thu: Advanced Dictionaries (Oct 18)
- Delete a Key-Value pair
- Nesting
- dicts with lists
- Dealing with JSON
Lecture Notes: Advanced Dictionaries
Lecture Slides: Table representation
Code Snippets: Advanced Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.5 and 11.7) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (from "JSON and APIs" until "Writing JSON with the dumps() Function" (included))
Week 8
Tue: JSON, Tuples, and Objects (Oct 23)
- Binning
- Deserialization
- Serialization
- Pretty Printing
- Tuples
- Intro to References
Lecture Notes: JSON & Tuples
Lecture Slides: JSON and Tuples
Code Snippets: JSON & Tuples
Read: Think Python Chapter 10 ("Objects and Values" and "Aliasing") and Ch 12
Due (Wed): Project 6
Thu: Objects, References, and Copying (Oct 25)
- Objects
- References
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Chapter 4 ("References" through the end)
Code Snippets: Objects, References, Copying
Lecture Notes: Objects, References, Copying
Week 9
Tue: Recursion (Oct 30)
- Base/Resursive Cases
- Lists of Lists
- More Stack Diagrams
- Stack Overflow
Code Snippets: Recursion
Lecture Notes: Recursion
Read: ThinkPython Ch 5 ("Recursion" through "Infinite Recursion"), Ch 6 ("More Recursion" through end)
Due (Wed): Project 7
Thu: Advanced functions (Nov 1)
- Iterators and generators
- References to functions
Read: Advanced Functions
Code Snippets: Adv funcs
Lecture Notes: Advanced Functions
Week 10
Tue: Exceptions and Files (Nov 6)
- Handling exceptions
- Reading and writing files
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Ch 10 (beginning through "Assertions") and ThinkPython Ch 14
Lecture Slides: Exceptions and Files
Lecture Notes: Exceptions and Files
Code Snippets: Exceptions and Files
Thu: Pandas (Nov 8)
- iPython notebooks
- series
- element-wise operations
Reading: CS 301 Notes
Lecture Notes: Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture19.html
Part 3: Data Science
Week 11
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture20.html
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Lecture Slides: Requests
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Week 12
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: Advanced Conditionals and Loops (Oct 2)
- Multiple elifs
- Nested if-else
- More on while loop
- break statement
- continue statement
- Nested loops
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapters 5.1 - 5.7, 6.1 - 6.4, and 7)
Due (Wed): Project 3
Thu: Strings (Oct 4)
- String basics
- Indexing
- len() function
- for loop
- String methods
- Searching
- Slicing
Link to Notes
Read: Think Python (Chapter 8)
Tue: Lists (Oct 9)
- Strings Review
- Sequences
- Indexing and Slicing
- Mutable vs Immutable
Link to Notes
Code Snippets: Lists
Due (Wed): Project 4
Thu: Lists and CSV Files (Oct 11)
- List methods
- Split and Join
- CSV files
Code Snippets: Lists+CSVs
Read: Think Python (Chapter 10) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (Chapter 14 - upto but not including Writer Objects)
Week 7
Tue: Dictionaries (Oct 16)
- Syntax
- Key-Value pairs
- Lookup
- Insert
- When is a dictionary useful?
Lecture Notes: Dictionaries
Code Snippets: Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.1 - 11.3)
Due (Wed): Project 5
Thu: Advanced Dictionaries (Oct 18)
- Delete a Key-Value pair
- Nesting
- dicts with lists
- Dealing with JSON
Lecture Notes: Advanced Dictionaries
Lecture Slides: Table representation
Code Snippets: Advanced Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.5 and 11.7) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (from "JSON and APIs" until "Writing JSON with the dumps() Function" (included))
Week 8
Tue: JSON, Tuples, and Objects (Oct 23)
- Binning
- Deserialization
- Serialization
- Pretty Printing
- Tuples
- Intro to References
Lecture Notes: JSON & Tuples
Lecture Slides: JSON and Tuples
Code Snippets: JSON & Tuples
Read: Think Python Chapter 10 ("Objects and Values" and "Aliasing") and Ch 12
Due (Wed): Project 6
Thu: Objects, References, and Copying (Oct 25)
- Objects
- References
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Chapter 4 ("References" through the end)
Code Snippets: Objects, References, Copying
Lecture Notes: Objects, References, Copying
Week 9
Tue: Recursion (Oct 30)
- Base/Resursive Cases
- Lists of Lists
- More Stack Diagrams
- Stack Overflow
Code Snippets: Recursion
Lecture Notes: Recursion
Read: ThinkPython Ch 5 ("Recursion" through "Infinite Recursion"), Ch 6 ("More Recursion" through end)
Due (Wed): Project 7
Thu: Advanced functions (Nov 1)
- Iterators and generators
- References to functions
Read: Advanced Functions
Code Snippets: Adv funcs
Lecture Notes: Advanced Functions
Week 10
Tue: Exceptions and Files (Nov 6)
- Handling exceptions
- Reading and writing files
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Ch 10 (beginning through "Assertions") and ThinkPython Ch 14
Lecture Slides: Exceptions and Files
Lecture Notes: Exceptions and Files
Code Snippets: Exceptions and Files
Thu: Pandas (Nov 8)
- iPython notebooks
- series
- element-wise operations
Reading: CS 301 Notes
Lecture Notes: Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture19.html
Part 3: Data Science
Week 11
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture20.html
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Lecture Slides: Requests
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Week 12
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: Dictionaries (Oct 16)
- Syntax
- Key-Value pairs
- Lookup
- Insert
- When is a dictionary useful?
Code Snippets: Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.1 - 11.3)
Due (Wed): Project 5
Thu: Advanced Dictionaries (Oct 18)
- Delete a Key-Value pair
- Nesting
- dicts with lists
- Dealing with JSON
Lecture Slides: Table representation
Code Snippets: Advanced Dictionaries
Read: Think Python (Chapter 11.5 and 11.7) and AutomateTheBoringStuff (from "JSON and APIs" until "Writing JSON with the dumps() Function" (included))
Tue: JSON, Tuples, and Objects (Oct 23)
- Binning
- Deserialization
- Serialization
- Pretty Printing
- Tuples
- Intro to References
Lecture Slides: JSON and Tuples
Code Snippets: JSON & Tuples
Read: Think Python Chapter 10 ("Objects and Values" and "Aliasing") and Ch 12
Due (Wed): Project 6
Thu: Objects, References, and Copying (Oct 25)
- Objects
- References
- Shallow Copy
- Deep Copy
Code Snippets: Objects, References, Copying
Lecture Notes: Objects, References, Copying
Week 9
Tue: Recursion (Oct 30)
- Base/Resursive Cases
- Lists of Lists
- More Stack Diagrams
- Stack Overflow
Code Snippets: Recursion
Lecture Notes: Recursion
Read: ThinkPython Ch 5 ("Recursion" through "Infinite Recursion"), Ch 6 ("More Recursion" through end)
Due (Wed): Project 7
Thu: Advanced functions (Nov 1)
- Iterators and generators
- References to functions
Read: Advanced Functions
Code Snippets: Adv funcs
Lecture Notes: Advanced Functions
Week 10
Tue: Exceptions and Files (Nov 6)
- Handling exceptions
- Reading and writing files
Read: AutomateTheBoringStuff Ch 10 (beginning through "Assertions") and ThinkPython Ch 14
Lecture Slides: Exceptions and Files
Lecture Notes: Exceptions and Files
Code Snippets: Exceptions and Files
Thu: Pandas (Nov 8)
- iPython notebooks
- series
- element-wise operations
Reading: CS 301 Notes
Lecture Notes: Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture19.html
Part 3: Data Science
Week 11
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture20.html
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Lecture Slides: Requests
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Week 12
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: Recursion (Oct 30)
- Base/Resursive Cases
- Lists of Lists
- More Stack Diagrams
- Stack Overflow
Lecture Notes: Recursion
Read: ThinkPython Ch 5 ("Recursion" through "Infinite Recursion"), Ch 6 ("More Recursion" through end)
Due (Wed): Project 7
Thu: Advanced functions (Nov 1)
- Iterators and generators
- References to functions
Code Snippets: Adv funcs
Lecture Notes: Advanced Functions
Tue: Exceptions and Files (Nov 6)
- Handling exceptions
- Reading and writing files
Lecture Slides: Exceptions and Files
Lecture Notes: Exceptions and Files
Code Snippets: Exceptions and Files
Thu: Pandas (Nov 8)
- iPython notebooks
- series
- element-wise operations
Lecture Notes: Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture19.html
Part 3: Data Science
Week 11
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Ipython Notebook: Lecture20.html
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Lecture Slides: Requests
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Week 12
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: More pandas (Nov 13)
- Data Frames
- Reading CSVs
- Processing CSVs in Pandas
Due (Wed): Project 8
Thu: Web (Nov 15)
- Servers/Clients
- URLs
- requests module
- Intro to HTML
- Generating HTML
Read: Sweigart Ch 11
Thu: ThanksGiving Break (Nov 22)
NO CLASS - Happy Thanksgiving! :)Week 13
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Lecture Slides: Databases
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Lecture Slides: Advanced Databases
Movies database:movies.db
Week 14
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Reading: Pie chart and scatter plots
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Reading: Line and bar graphs
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv
Week 15
Tue: Databases (Nov 27)
- tables
- SQLite
- queries
- where
- order by
- limit
Bus database:bus.db
Thu: More Databases (Nov 29)
- Querying from Python
- Querying from Pandas
- aggregates
- group by
- having
Movies database:movies.db
Tue: Plotting (Dec 4)
- pie charts
- scatter plots
- plot design
Thu: More Plotting (Dec 6)
- Axes subplot
- line plots
- bar plots
Fire Hydrants CSV:Fire_Hydrants.csv